Hosting & Application Management Support

Flexible software hosting and support.

Considering options for running your supply chain management software in the cloud?  Reduce your cost of ownership and gain scalability with Plantensive’s cloud hosting services.

We partner with the largest cloud hosting providers in the world to deliver cloud computing capabilities cheaper, faster, and more flexible than traditional data center providers. Our partners provide the highest levels of uptime availability, network security, disaster recovery and infrastructure scalability in the industry.

  • 24/7 Monitoring, System Security and Level 1- 3 Support
  • Cloud Infrastructure, Software and Database Administration

Get more value from your investment

You can rely on us not only to deliver quality cloud hosting services and an exceptional user experience, but also use the data to provide you with performance improvement insights and solutions.


Looking for a hosting service that you can trust? We provide end-to-end software hosting services – from cloud infrastructure, platform and security, batch monitoring, database management, software patches and upgrades to system tuning, health checks and 24/7 monitoring.


Exploring supply chain management software solutions? Use Plantensive’s cloud services to temporarily host your proof of concept to evaluate your options and make an informed decision.


Considering a major upgrade? Plantensive provides access to test instances within hours and can also load sample data to let you “kick the tires” on new versions.

Test Drive Blue Yonder Software

Have you ever wanted to try new versions of the software without having to fully commit to them right away?

Existing Blue Yonder users can test new versions of Blue Yonder tools using a sample database to make confident decisions about potential upgrades.

Additional features that come with “test driving” the newest Blue Yonder tools include:

  • No long term commitment
  • Options to test drive with your existing data
  • Take advantage of Plantensive’s prebuilt GUI components to make navigation easy and comprehensive


As part of our Plantensive Sustainment Operations Support (SOS)™, our Technical Support Team provides a range of services, including System Health Audits, Implementations, Upgrades, Training, DBA and A-La-Carte Managed Services to support ongoing maintenance and performance tuning of your supply chain & retail planning solutions.

Request a Free Supply Chain Consultation.